I’m constantly on the lookout for inspiring people. No surprise there, huh? Through my podcast and various opportunities, I had the privilege of speaking with tens of such people this year. I, personally, draw inspiration from people who make me think about what I can do to become a better version of myself. As we wrap up 2022, here are 10 people who have specifically inspired me in this way. 10. Lipa Shmeltzer I’ve been trying to pin Lipa down for an interview since I started podcasts. He was the first chassidish singer I was introduced to as a child, and I wanted to hear his story. Lipa rose to fame at a shocking speed, but when his career came crashing down, so did his life. With the support of good friends, Lipa got back up and began rebuilding his life. It was amazing hearing him share his journey as it continues to unfold. What stuck out to me about this interview was how open Lipa was about his past, his struggles, and ultimately, his comeback. Plus, my newfound friendship with him is worth more to me than gelt. 9. Chava Willig-Levy As a child, Chava contracted polio… and she’s still living with the effects. Chava grew up being told what she can’t do, but she didn’t let that deter her. She struggled with shidduchim and with having children. With superhuman perseverance, she pushed through and married the love of her life. Now a beloved mother and grandmother, she hosts a successful podcast and raises awareness about polio. Chava is a true example of someone who is bigger than her struggles. Also, she hates being called inspirational, so we won’t call her that. At least not where she can hear us. 8. Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro is one of the leading voices in the political world. He is also one of the very few yarmulke-wearing representatives in the public eye. A successful lawyer, author, and business owner, Ben’s become a household name in America. Whether you lean right or left, one thing is for sure: Ben uses his G-d-given talents in a very impactful way. And that’s something we can all learn from him. 7. R’ Mordechai Jungreis R’ Jungreis has his hands full with his job as a Pre-1A rebbi (for over 50 years!), his kehilla in Boro Park, and his shul in Woodbourne. Yet, somehow he always has time for those in need. I’ve witnessed the way R’ Jungreis carries the weight of klal yisrael’s pain on his shoulders, as he’s helped me through some difficult times. R’ Jungreis’ heart is as big as they get. He is also a fantastic composer of hundreds of songs including “Noach is a Big Tzaddik.”   6. Judge Ruchie Freier I’m not proud to say this, but I was really nervous before meeting Judge Freier. My limited exposure had me thinking she was a controversial figure. But five minutes into the episode, I realized just how misinformed I was. As a young chassidish girl, Judge Freier decided what she wanted to do, and she didn’t let anything stop her. She successfully graduated from law school and became a Civil Court judge — all while raising a beautiful family with steadfast morals. Judge Freier cares about klal yisrael in such a deep […]

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